Access to the network

We oversee and monitor application of the regulations in force on the subject of access to the postal network and to other infrastructure and services.

We verify that the rates established comply with the principles of transparency, non-discrimination, and coverage of the costs incurred by the owner of the network, and we verify that these rates do not lead to increased needs for funding for Universal Postal Service or unfair financing charges that must be paid by the operator providing the service.

We develop the criteria for determining contract rates.

We resolve disputes between operators in relation to access to the postal network, as well as to other elements of infrastructure and services.

We arbitrate disputes between operators not designated as providers of the Universal Postal Service.

Latest resolutions

All resolutions on approval of the standard contract for access to postal infrastructure


Últimes resolucions de verificació de comptabilitat analítica en l’àmbit postal.

Últimas 10 resoluciones de aprobaciones del contrato tipo de acceso a infraestructuras postales
Fecha resolución




All resolutions from Verification of analytical accounting in the Postal area