Monitoring of access obligations

We ensure access to the railway infrastructure, including both the General Interest Railway Network and the service installations, in order to improve development of the railway sector and guarantee the plurality of the offer, ensuring that all railway services are provided under conditions that are objective, transparent, and non-discriminatory.

We take action in terms of the relationship between the railway undertakings and the railway infrastructure managers and service providers, to ensure equal access for all undertakings. In particular, we oversee the conditions established by the Spanish infrastructure managers ADIF and ADIF Alta Velocidad for access to the railway network. To do this we carry out various functions, both ex-ante (such as production of a report prior to the Statement on the Network, a document that lays out the characteristics of the network and the manner of accessing it) and ex-post (by carrying out auditing functions).

Finally, we ensure that the undertakings can make use of the service installations, which include a very diverse set of infrastructure elements such as freight terminals or stations used for passengers or manoeuvring.

Latest resolutions

All resolutions from cases on oversight of access obligations



Formulario para la solicitud de la prueba de equilibrio económico de un nuevo servicio internacional de transporte ferroviario de viajeros

Formulario para la solicitud de la prueba de objetivo principal de un nuevo servicio internacional de transporte ferroviario de viajeros

Formulario para la notificación de un nuevo servicio internacional de transporte ferroviario de viajeros

Nuevo servicio internacional comunicado por Intermodalidad del Levante, S.A. (ILSA)


Nuevo servicio internacional comunicado por Arriva Spain Rail, S.A.



Consulta pública relativa a los principios y criterios metodológicos a aplicar en relación con la prueba de equilibrio económico de un contrato de servicio público ante un nuevo servicio de transporte internacional de viajeros por ferrocarril (artículo 19 del Reglamento de Ejecución 869/2014)


Publicada el 25 de julio de 2018


Consulta pública relativa a los principios y criterios metodológicos a aplicar en relación con la prueba del objetivo principal de un nuevo servicio de transporte internacional de viajeros (artículo 19 del Reglamento de Ejecución 869/2014) - FINALIZADA