Institutional activity
- President's agenda
- Public involvement
- Conferences, seminars, and training
- Reference documents
- International representation by the CNMC
- Airports
- Audiovisual
- Energy
- Competition and its y Promotion
- Railways
- Postal
- Telecommunications
- Multi-subject Groups
President's agenda
Public involvement
Conferences, seminars, and training
Reference documents
- Detection of violations and actions for damages against competition
- Institutional design of independent authorities
- Evaluation of authorities for promoting competition
- Economic and social impact of authorities promoting competition
- Fuel prices
- Regulation and regulated sectors
- Sanctions for violations against competition
International Representation by the CNMC
Forum of independent Supervisory Authorities of Airport Fees (ISA), aka de Thessaloniki Forum
This is a group of experts created by initiative of the European Commission, with the functions of providing support when the EC is preparing draft legislation and policy initiatives, as well as when these are being applied. It also serves as a venue for coordination and exchange of experiences and best practices among regulation authorities from the EU's member states.
The European Regulators Group for Audiovisual Media Services (ERGA)
This entity was created through a Decision of the European Commission as a group of high-level representatives of the national authorities on regulation of audiovisual services. Its objectives are to advise and support the EC in order to ensure consistent application of the Directive on Media and Audiovisual Services, to promote cooperation among the National Regulatory Authorities from the EU's member states, and to facilitate exchanges of experiences and best practices.
European Platform of Regulatory Authorities (EPRA)
This platform was created in 1995 to facilitate cooperation among European regulators in the audiovisual sector. This is a network based on cooperation, exchange of information, case studies, and best practices, and its membership includes 52 regulatory entities from 46 European countries. There are also permanent observers including the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the European Audiovisual Observatory, and the Office of the Representative on Free Media from the Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE).
Mediterranean Network of Regulators of Audiovisual Services (MNRA)
This is a network established in 1997 to reinforce the historical and cultural ties among the Mediterranean countries. It provides a forum for exchanges of information and experiences for independent regulatory authorities from the audiovisual sector in this geographical region. It currently brings together 26 authorities from 22 countries throughout the Mediterranean basin.
Ibero-American Platform for Audiovisual Regulators (PRAI in Spanish)
This forum brings together Ibero-American regulatory entities from the audiovisual sector in order to exchange experiences, coordinate actions, and promote basic academic research on audiovisual subjects as a foundation for taking regulatory decisions. It represents a space for joint reflection on regulation of the audiovisual sector, as well as a platform for exchanges of information on legislation and standards and a space for discussion and resolution of possible disputes among regulatory entities.
Iberian Conference for Councils on Audiovisual Services (CICA in Spanish)
This is a platform established in 2008, which brings together independent regulatory authorities on audiovisual communication from Portugal and Spain. Its objective is to create channels to allow exchanges of information and experiences among its members, as well as avenues for collaboration when carrying out their functions.
Competition and its Promotion
European Competition Network (ECN)
This network includes participation by the European Commission and the National Authorities on Competition from EU countries. This is a mechanism that facilitates compliance with the obligations on cooperation imposed by legislation in the European Community, and which ensures consistent and effective application of the regulations on defence of competition, while also allowing sharing of experiences and identification of best practices.
European Competitions Authorities (ECA)
This is a forum that encourages discussion, exchange of experiences, and promotion of best practices among the Authorities on Competition from countries in the European Economic Area for In addition to these national authorities, the European Commission and the Oversight Authority from the EFTA also participate in the ECA.
Committee on Competition from the OECD
This committee includes top-level representatives from the authorities on defence of competition from the 35 member countries of the OECD, the European Union, and some other countries as well. The UNCTAD and EFTA also participate as observers. The focus here is on distribution and exchange of knowledge and experiences on the subject of defence and promotion of competition, by means of the Committee, its working groups, and initiatives such as the Global Forum on Competition.
Forum on Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean
This is a joint initiative from the Inter-American Development Bank and the OECD designed to strengthen the effectiveness of policies and legislation on defence of competition in this region, by means of dialogue consensus building.
Ibero-American Forum on Competition
Traditionally, the Ibero-American Forum on Competition is held just after the Forum on Competition in Latin America and the Caribbean. This is an annual meeting sponsored by the authorities on competition from Spain and Portugal, with the purpose of establishing ties with similar authorities from throughout Ibero-America.
International Competition Network (ICN)
This network provides a specialised, though informal, route to facilitate ongoing contact among authorities on competition and to share reflections on subjects related to defence of competition from a practical perspective. This dynamic dialogue allows a consensus to be reached on the principles behind policies on competition, thus promoting global convergence in their design and application.
Coucil of Regulators from the Agency for Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER)
ACER is the agency from the European Union created through the Third Energy Package in order to advance establishment of the internal market for electricity and natural gas. The National Authorities on Regulation from the member states of the European Union are members of the ACER's Council of Regulators.
Council of European Energy Regulators (CEER)
This is a cooperative entity formed among independent regulatory authorities in Europe. Its purpose is to promote creation of a single energy market in the European Union that is competitive, efficient, and sustainable. CEER complements the work of ACER, focusing on areas such as empowerment of consumers, management of demand, and development of smart networks. It also seeks to represent the voice of the independent National Regulatory Authorities in the European Union, and internationally as well.
Association of Issuing Bodies (AIB)
This association's objective is to promote a standardised system of energy certification, known as the European Energy Certification System (EECS). This is being done by defining and applying structures and procedures that are based upon the principles of objectivity, non-discrimination, transparency, and cost effectiveness, all of which facilitate international compatibility of certification systems.
Euro-Mediterranean Group of Energy Regulators (MEDREG)
This is an association that includes 25 energy regulators from countries throughout the Mediterranean basin. Its objective is to promote a regulatory framework in the region that is transparent, stable, and harmonised, promoting integration of the market and investment in infrastructure, while also protecting consumers and encouraging cooperation on energy-related matters. It receives financial support of the member authorities, the European Commission, and the CEER.
Ibero-American Association of Energy Regulating Entities (ARIAE)
This association brings together 25 energy regulating entities from 20 Ibero-American countries, along with the regulator from the Central American market, the Regional Commission on Electrical Interconnection (CRIE in Spanish). It provides a forum for communication among specialists and professionals from its member entities, in order to promote exchanges of experiences, sharing of knowledge, and promotion of training and education for personnel at all levels, including exchanges among it is members. It also facilitates cooperation on activities of common interest.
Council of Regulators from the Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL)
The Iberian Electricity Market (MIBEL in Spanish) is the result of a process carried out by the governments of Spain and Portugal to integrate their respective electrical systems. Its Council of Regulators is made up of representatives from the Spanish and Portuguese regulatory authorities for the securities market and energy market.
European Network of Rail Regulatory Bodies (ENRRB)
The mission of this organisation is to facilitate active cooperation and exchanges of information among railway regulation entities in the EU. It also functions as an advisory body for the European Commission, for preparation of measures for implementation in relation to railways.
Independent Regulators Group-Rail (IRG-Rail)
This group is focused on cooperation in relation to regulatory problems and challenges, and it represents a platform for exchanges of information, experiences, and best practices among European national railway regulators. Its primary objective is to actively contribute to creation of an internal railway market in Europe that is competitive, efficient, and sustainable.
The European Regulators Group for Postal Services (ERGP)
This group was created in 2010 as a body for reflection, debate, and consultation for the European Commission on the subject of postal services. It also promotes cooperation among independent national regulatory authorities on the postal sector from the EU member states.
Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC)
This entity was created in 2009 with the mission of promoting independent, consistent, and high-quality regulation of the electronic communications market, for the benefit of Europe and its citizens. It contributes to the development and proper operation of the internal electronic communications market, promoting consistent application of the European regulatory framework and providing consultation to the European Commission and other national regulatory authorities regarding its application.
Independent Regulators Group Telecommunications (IRG-Telecommunications)
This group was established in 1997 as an association of independent national regulatory authorities on electronic communications in Europe, in order to exchange information and experiences in relation to regulation of these markets. It complements the work performed by the BEREC by offering a forum for cooperation, mutual assistance, and exchanges of information among independent national authorities from EU and non-EU European countries.
Latin American Forum for Telecommunications Regulatory Entities (REGULATEL in Spanish)
Created in 1998, this forum currently has 23 members. Its objective is to coordinate and support progress in development of the telecommunications sector in Latin America..
Euro Mediterranean Telecommunication Regulators Group (EMERG)
This group was created in 2008 as an informal platform to promote exchanges of best practices in the sector among national regulatory authorities from around the Mediterranean basin, although participation is open to any European authority that is a member of the BEREC. This initiative is inspired by the principles and ideals for Euro-Mediterranean Corporation as established in the Barcelona Declaration.
Multi-Subject Groups
Network of Economic Regulators from the OECD (NER)
This is a network associated with the OECD's Regulatory Policy Committee, which promotes dialogue among regulators from countries around the world, with scopes that cover a variety of sectors (primarily telecommunications, energy, transport, and water). Primarily focused on governance, this network offers a context that allows its members to share experiences, discuss topics of common interest, identify innovative solutions, and seek a balance among the various priorities and characteristics that shape the ideal framework for establishing a first-class regulator.
Twinning, or community networking programmes
Twinning programmes involve a European Union member country and another state that is part of the European Neighbourhood Countries (nations on the Mediterranean or that hope to gain entry into the European Union). Through these programmes, experts share best practices to help develop the institutional fabric in these countries in order to bring them closer to European standards.
The CNMC has been awarded numerous twinning and capacity building projects in recent years, as a result of which it has helped various countries, including Afghanistan, Algeria, Bulgaria, Egypt, Guatemala, Israel, Jordan, Morocco, Moldavia, Montenegro, Poland, the Dominican Republic, Tunisia and Ukraine, in different areas (telecommunications, competition end energy).
To learn more: “Twinning CNMC”
- (2019-2020) Albania: Developing Sound Cooperation for Free and Efective Competiton!
La Comisión Europea convocó un twinning para “brindar apoyo y contribuir al fortalecimiento de las capacidades institucionales y administrativas de la Autoridad de la Competencia de Albania (ACA)”. La CNMC presentó su propuesta y la defendió en Tirana el pasado mes de abril. El proyecto fue elegido y tiene una duración de 12 meses.
Septiembre 2020
Julio 2020
Junio 2020
Mayo 2020
Marzo 2020
Febrero 2020
Enero 2020
Diciembre 2019
Noviembre 2019
Octubre 2019
Noviembre 2019
Septiembre 2019