We ensure proper functioning of the electronic communications markets by establishing obligations for operators and then overseeing compliance with these, while also resolving disputes among agents on the market.
Analysis of markets
We define and periodically analyse the level of competition for the electronic communications markets, in order to evaluate whether it is necessary to impose specific regulatory obligations.
Specification and development of obligations
We impose specific obligations on operators that have significant power in the market or in the corresponding reference markets, and we verify their compliance with these.
Universal service and regulatory accounting
We calculate the net cost of the universal service and approve the annual statement on this cost. We also determine which operators are obligated to contribute to the National Fund for Universal Service. We establish the cost accounting systems for operators subject to regulatory accounting practices.
We resolve disputes among operators or between operators and other entities that benefit from the obligations for access and interconnection, in relation to subjects regulated by legislation on the telecommunications sector.
We establish the specifications and technical conditions for preservation of telephone numbering (portability) for both landlines and mobile phones.
Reports, queries, and circulars
We produce reports on draft legislation, public assistance plans, and instruments for organising smaller territories, and we respond to queries presented by the operators and agents affected regarding regulations and topics that could affect development of the market.
We oversee compliance with the standards and regulations in the sector, investigating complaints claims and initiating sanctioning procedures for operators that violate regulations for the sector.
Registers and Subscriber Data Management (SGDA)
We manage the Operator Registers for electronic communications and public numbering resources, as well as the parameters for digital open-access television and the Data Management System for subscribers.
We actively participate in a variety of international forums: the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC); Independent Regulators Group (IRG), Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG); and the Latin American Forum for Telecommunications Regulatory Entities (REGULATEL)
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