
We participate in forums of regulators from the electronic communications sector.

" "The Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) is a forum that since 2009 has brought together independent European regulators. The BEREC was established through Regulation (EC) no. 1211/2009, and its main objectives are to provide consultation to European Union institutions on development of the internal market for electronic communication networks, as well as to create a link between national regulatory authorities and the European Commission. It is also a body that is independent from any government, as well as from the European Commission and from any other public or private entity.

The tasks performed by the BEREC include development and publication of regulatory best practices, assisting regulators on issues of regulation, and issuance of rulings and reports in order to provide consultation in relation to the electronic communications sector. When issuing their rulings, both the national regulators and the European Commission must fully consider the recommendations, directives, consultations, and best practices on the subject of such regulations, as adopted by the BEREC.

The BEREC has adopted a medium-term strategy that covers the period of 2015-2017, and which establishes three priorities: (1) promotion of competition and investment; (2) development of the internal market; and (3) empowerment and protection of end users.

We participate in the group of independent regulators from the electronic communications sector, which is known as the Independent Regulators Group (IRG). This forum was established in 1997 at the initiative of regulators in the sector, and it brings together regulators from European countries, whether members of the European Union or not, in order to share and develop best practices and carry out activities such as organising workshops or seminars on issues related to the sector.


" "We are members of the Euro-Mediterranean Regulators Group (EMERG) and currently hold the position of vice-presidency. EMERG was created in 2008 as an informal platform to promote exchanges of best practices in the sector among National Regulatory Authorities (ANR in Spanish) from around the Mediterranean basin, although participation is open to any European authority that is a member of the BEREC. This initiative is inspired by the principles and ideals for Euro-Mediterranean Corporation as established in the Barcelona Declaration (2006).


" "REGULATEL is the Latin American Forum for Telecommunication Regulation Entities, created in 1999. It currently has 23 members, who meet to coordinate and support development of telecommunications in the region. We have been participating in its activities since the very beginning, and in 2013, we were designated as a full-rights member, along with the regulators from Portugal and Italy. Within the framework of REGULATEL, we developed the Programme of Regulatory Excellence for Spain, which allows Latin American professionals working for a Regulator or Ministry in Latin America to make training visits to the CNMC.