CNMC public consultation on cloud services

(open from May 07 to June 26 2024)

Why is the CNMC conducting a public consultation on cloud services?

Law 3/2013 of 4 June 2013 creating the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC), includes among the functions of the institution the drafting of studies and research on competition matters, as well as general reports on the different economic sectors (art. 5.1.h)). The Board of CNMC has exercised this prerogative by initiating a market study on cloud services. In particular, the study will analyze the elements that may determine the efficient and competitive functioning of this sector (see the press release).
The interest of the study lies in the fact that cloud services are a basic pillar of the digital transformation process and of business competitiveness, as they allow for data to be processed, stored and managed remotely. As a result, the market study will include a series of recommendations to promote a competitive environment in the sector that supports innovation and a better use of resources.

What is the purpose of the public consultation?

The public consultation aims to reach the largest number of stakeholders involved in this field to gather their views on the activity of the cloud services sector. In addition, it is aligned with the CNMC’s objective that market studies should be based on public consultations to encourage the participation of the general public in their preparation.
The responses provided will be analyzed to identify possible areas for improvement. These will be reflected in the market study and may lead to recommendations to promote competition and efficiency in the cloud services sector.

Rules for participating in this public consultation

This public consultation follows a transparent process and the contributions received will be taken into consideration for drafting the study. The contact e-mail address of the participants in the consultation will remain confidential and shall not be published under any circumstance. The full name of the individual or institution responsible for the contribution may be kept confidential if expressly requested. However, answers may be published in their entirety, unless there are duly justified confidentiality reasons. Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*). Answering the rest of the questions is not mandatory, so participants are encouraged to focus their contributions on those sections where they hold relevant information, leaving the questions where no information or judgment is available unanswered or marked as DK/NA ("don't know/no answer").
Answers to open-ended questions are provided with a maximum character length in order to ensure a concise response. Participants are encouraged to include references or links to publicly available documentation to reduce the extension of the contribution as much as possible. If a participant wishes to submit additional information, an electronic file (pdf, excel, word, etc.) may be sent to the e-mail address with the subject "Study on cloud services". Accordingly, this documentation may be published in its entirety, unless otherwise requested for duly justified confidentiality reasons.

Access the public consultation

Download public consultation form in PDF format