Electricity market

We oversee the functioning and level of competition in the electricity market, within the scope of both the wholesale and retail markets, and we supervise operation of the system. We manage the system of guarantees of origin and labelling for electricity coming from renewable sources.

Oversight reports

We oversee the level of effectiveness of the deregulated market and competition, in the wholesale as well as retail markets. This includes, among other actions, complaints submitted by consumers regarding electricity and natural gas, the regulated auctions for term contracting of electricity.

Reports on oversight of the wholesale term contracting market

Monitoring reports

Últimos 3 informes de seguimiento

All reports on term contracting auctions

Reports on term contracting auctions

All reports on term contracting auctions

Últimos 3 informes de supervisión del mercado mayorista spot

All reports on the wholesale spot electricity market in peninsular Spain

On the Iberian electricity market (MIBEL)



Consulta pública del CR MIBEL a los participantes en el mercado mayorista de electricidad en relación a posibles medidas para mejorar la liquidez de los mercados a plazo del MIBEL (realizada entre el 22 de diciembre de 2020 y el 29 de enero de 2021)

Estudio sobre comparativa de los precios MIBEL (contado y plazo) con otros mercados europeos y su relación con el mercado único




Estudio sobre el mercado de derechos de emisión de CO2



Press room MIBEL

On oversight of the retail market

Reports on oversight of the retail electricity market

Últimos 3 informes de supervisión del mercado minorista de electricidad


Año 2022 y avance 2023


AÑO 2021


AÑO 2020

All reports on oversight of the retail electricity market

Reports on oversight of changes of suppliers for electricity and natural gas

Últimos informes de supervisión de los cambios de comercializador de energía eléctrica y gas
Fecha informe

All reports on oversight of changes of suppliers for electricity and natural gas

Últimos 3 informes de supervisión de las ofertas del mercado minorista de gas y electricidad recogidas en el comparador de ofertas

All reports on oversight of offers from the retail natural gas and electricity markets, as compiled in the offer comparison tool

Reports on monitoring and application of data from type-5 metering equipment

All reports on monitoring and application of data from type-5 metering equipment

Bulletins on electricity indicators

Últimos 3 boletines de indicadores eléctricos


Información demanda en b.c. hasta agosto 2023 y demanda en consumo hasta mayo 2023

All bulletins on electricity indicators

Annual report for the European Commission on the market situation for electricity and natural gas in Spain


Prices from the Electricity Production Market

We publish the prices from the electricity production market

Últimas estadísticas
Fecha de publicación




View all statistics on Prices from the Electricity Production Market


Sales from the special regimen

View all statistics on Prices from the Electricity Production Market


List of electricity suppliers and distributors, and direct consumers in the electricity market

We publish a list of suppliers that have notified the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (and when applicable, the competent Administration) about the start-up of their activities and that have not provided notification of their cessation.

Listado completo de comercializadores
6 de diciembre de  2017

We publish a list of major providers and their contact information for purposes of requesting the granting of Social Credits and for reception of queries

We publish a list of free phone numbers that can be used by consumers to contact their supplier regarding any possible safety-related incidents at their facilities. We also publish the website addresses for each electricity supplier so that customers can view the hourly charge curve used for billing at their supply point.

We publish a list of system load managers that have notified the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (and when applicable, the competent Administration) about the start-up of their activities and that have not provided notification of their cessation.

We publish a list of direct market consumers that have notified the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism (and when applicable, the competent Administration) about the start-up of their activities and that have not provided notification of their cessation.


System of guarantees of origin and labelling for electricity

We manage the system of guarantees of origin for electricity coming from renewable energy sources and high-efficiency co-generation plants, as the entity responsible throughout Spain for issuing these guarantees and for performing the rest of the associated procedures. Each year we also produce the rules for the compulsory labelling of electricity that must be displayed by the supplier companies.