Transparency Portal

Ley 19/2013, de 9 de diciembre

The purpose of Spain's Law 19/2013 of 9 December, on transparency, access to public information, and good governance is to increase and strengthen transparency in public activities as a mechanism to facilitate monitoring of public actions.

In exercise of its functions and activities, the CNMC approaches the regimen for transparency from two perspectives: active publication and the right of citizens to access public information.

Institutional, organisational, and planning-related information

In accordance with article 6 of Spain's Law 19/2013, the information published below includes the functions performed by the National Commission on Markets and Competition, set of regulations applicable to it, and its organisational structure, including an up-to-date organisational diagram that identifies the persons responsible for its various bodies, including their profiles and information on their professional qualifications.

It also presents details of annual plans and programmes, as well as multi-year programmes, where specific objectives are established along with their activities, means employed, and time periods planned for their completion. Their degree of compliance and results are the subject of periodic evaluation and publication, along with compilation of measurement indicators and other assessments.


There is also a Code of Conduct for the personnel at the National Commission on Markets and Competition, along with an internal mailbox for receiving claims in relation to this.

Code of conduct


Information of legal relevance

In accordance with article 7 of Law 19/2013, the links below can be used to view the directives, instructions, agreements, circulars, and responses to queries submitted by individuals or other entities when these require interpretation of the Law or when they have legal effects.

All of the CNMC's activities, reports, analyses of regulatory proposals, and other documents that must be subjected to a public commenting period during their procedures can be found using the following two search features:



Últimas 10 Sesiones de Consejo
Fecha Consejo


Sala de Competencia



Sala de Competencia



Sala de Supervisión Regulatoria



Sala de Competencia



Pleno del Consejo



If you prefer, you can also view the same information by navigating in a more structured manner through the main areas of action for the CNMC:


Economic, budgetary, and statistical training

In accordance with article 8 of Law 19/2013, the links displayed below can be used to view information related to acts of administrative management with economic or budgetary repercussions, as well as statistical data presented as percentages of budgeted amounts for contracts awarded through each of the procedures described in the legislation on public sector contracts.



With respect to provisions on statistical information from the same article 8 of Law 19/2013, the following link can be used to view the statistical data needed in order to evaluate the level of compliance and quality of the public services over which the CNMC has authority, as well as to download the raw data in other formats that can be used by other information systems (reusable):


Data protection

The CNMC is cognisant of the importance of protecting the personal data it processes, and is thus very aware of the provisions of the current General Data Protection Regulation. As a result, it is making available to data subjects the contact details of its Data Protection Officer, to whom they can send any questions involving the processing of their personal data and the exercise of their rights in relation to said data:

Limits applied to the right to access public information

The public's right to access public information may be limited by the very nature of the information requested or because it conflicts with other protected interests. Article 14.1 of Law 19/2013 of 9 December contains a list of the limits applicable to the right of access, limits that are proportional to and limited by their purpose after conducting an injury test (of the interest that is safeguarded by the limit) and a public interest test (to see if in the specific case, the public interest of disclosing the information prevails).

In compliance with the provisions of Article 14.3 of Law 19/2013 of 9 December, the following list contains the latest public information requests processed by this Commission to which any of the relevant limits have been applied.

Últimos 5 resoluciones



