
We promote proper functioning of the airport and railway markets by overseeing the conditions applied for access to infrastructure, in particular airport charges and railway taxes.



Supervision of charges

We review the proposals for modifying or updating airport charges.

Supervision of the consultation procedure

We guarantee the transparency of the consultation procedure between the airport manager and the associations of airlines that use the airports.

Resolution of disputes

We resolve disputes in the airport sector.


International activity

We actively participate in various international forums such as the Thessaloniki Forum.

Reports and queries

We produce reports on draft versions of regulations, perform studies, and respond to queries regarding subjects that could affect development of the market.



Monitoring of access obligations

We ensure equality among companies in terms of access to the railway services market.

Oversight of fees and tariffs

We revised the proposals to amend or update the rail fees and the tariffs of the supplementary services.

New rail services

We oversee rail services in order to maintain the economic balance in public service contracts.


Resolution of disputes

We resolve disputes in the railway sector.

Consultation for users

We provide consultation for user representatives.


We perform monitoring of the key indicators.


International activity

We actively participate in various international forums such as IRG Rail (European Railway Regulators Group) and the ENRRB (European Network of Railway Regulatory Bodies).

Reports and queries

We produce reports on draft versions of regulations, perform studies, and respond to queries regarding subjects that could affect development of the market.


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