Advocay international

We follow, attend and participate in the main international events and working groups in order to exchange best practices and experiences in competition advocacy and good regulation with countries all around the world . Below you can find some of our presentations and contributions to these fora. These documents reflect (sometimes preliminary) views of the Competition Advocacy Department’s staff, which do not necessarily coincide with the official position of CNMC (since they have not been formally endorsed by its Board).


Entity / Forum

Working Party No. 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement

Roundtable on Competition Compliance Programmes

Working Party No. 2 on Competition and Regulation

Roundtable Competition Enforcement and Regulatory Alternatives (WP2)

Teleseminar of the Advocacy Working Group. Digital Markets Project  

Advocacy in the face of digitisation

OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development)

68th Meeting of Working Party No 2 on Competition and Regulation

67th Meeting of Working Party No 2 on Competition and Regulation

67th Meeting of Working Party No 2 on Competition and Regulation

Innovative approaches to competition advocacy

Advocacy and communication meeting

Communication strategy using social media

Promotion of compliance policies from an advocacy perspective.

Prevención de prácticas anticompetitivas en las licitaciones

CNMC Contribution on the implications of digitization for competition policy

Teleseminar of the Advocacy Working Group. Digital Markets Project

Market studies and reports related to digital markets

ACM Inquiry into market studies in the financial services sector

ACM Informal Request for Information

125th Meeting of Working Party No 3 on Co-operation and Enforcement    

Market studies methodologies for competition authorities

Teleseminar of the Advocacy Working Group. Strategy Project

Advocacy strategy

CMA Informal Request for Information

CMA's market study into the provision of legal services

Consulta Pública de la Comisión Europea sobre la revisión de la Directiva 2007/59/CE

Public consultation on the evaluation of Directive 2007/59/EC on the certification of train drivers operating locomotives and trains on the railway system in the Community


Directiva 2007/59/CE del Parlamento europeo y del Consejo

Advocacy and communication meeting

The Application of the CNMC Advocacy Toolbox to the Spanish Road Fuel Market    

INNOVACION  DISRUPTIVA: Retos en la aplicación de la ley de competencia  y oportunidades  para  la  promoción  de  la  competencia.

FTC public call

FTC public call on sharing economy